Friday, July 12, 2013

"Of Listening..."

"Two voices are there; one is of the sea, one is of the mountains".  Wordsworth
"We climb to hear - whispered in the wind, echoed in the stars - strains of that mysterious music".  E. Bernbaum
"I heard nothing except the music that had seemed to accompany me throughout my climb".  R. Messner
"On this sun-consumed rock pile, eternity is trying to speak - no, sing to me".  R. Schultheis
"Listen... Listen to the songs of the mountains; the songs of the forests and the river... Then listen more closely, for you may see that it is you that has been singing".  Grandfather, Mountain Elder

It always seems to be, when now adventuring and wandering, intentionally slowing my steps, I am listening more quietly and closely, for both the meanings of the words within these wonderful quotes, then too for the songs and echoes from so far out in the wild places..... DSD

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