Monday, November 15, 2010

Like An Avalanche....."

Like an avalanche it hit me, as hard and as unexpectedly, just as you might think it would...
We were on our way up to climb upon a mountain we know well. A familiar route, but one in the later season where attention was needed, and a heightened awareness for the objective hazards of unstable snow, inconsistent temperatures, and rockfall.
It was a simple comment, maybe said to me as both a concern and a question, but... well, like an avalanche, it took me...
Sharing time with a close friend, on a trail, and in a day up there, means so much for us wanderers. Such connections are invaluable, precious beyond description for the gifts they are. This closeness means we learn much about each other and find great depths within what we can then share...
No answer seemed required from that comment that was made to me, but I'm sure from the look on my face, it had clearly hit home. All that was needed then was in the question itself, it felt, as therein was the crux of the struggle I was having. Such moments are profound in how they connect all the pieces and the elements we seem to need, through whatever synchronicity or serendipity has just taken place... The natural world often provides such a means for these wild catalysts, for the closeness we develop and cherish, and then the meaningful commentary we are then able to compose for each other.
It has indeed been a difficult year for me, especially reflecting my health issues, and those of a family member too...
It appears to me at times, that what I muse and write about here, I need to often ponder and affirm in my own life again and again. Which is just what that question asked of me that day, put to words in that way by a trusted companion. Then like the subjective avalanche it was, it hit hard...
Now like other such events, it had passed. It was then time to talk and listen and ponder. Throughout a wonderful day up high, on a mountain with a friend, a companion, and a close climbing partner. Sharing such moments of strength and support, and not just from a rope, but from this kind of connection as well, are ways we may each navigate both the objective and subjective hazards we all wander through.
Isn't that so true my Friends.....


Paul Head said...

Yet again, my dear friend, you have captured the very essence of why travel in Mother Nature's playground is so profound. I find it allows all my walls to come tumbling down, and the ability to share those core issues of life with a trusted companion becomes all the more meaningful. Thank you for bringing that great gift, back into focus.

Unknown said...

Hi Paul,
Thank you for your reflections here. We share much about out there... And you are so right about the gift that our wanderings presents for us...
You must be resting up after your adventures to South America!

Anonymous said...

Thank you DSD, I needed this today.

Alexandra said...

Every now and then I read a certain post of yours over and over and over again. I search for the right words to post in a comment but the words just won't come to me. That is the case here with "Like An Avalanche..." In response to your eloquent and profound words you share with us, I can only agree and say "that is so true my friend!"

Unknown said...

Hi Alexandra,
Those truths, as you say, are what I think often gets me out there, and afterwards also has me musing about our experiences while wandering. Seeking in this way is wonderful isn't it...
I myself recently enjoyed your post to on Mt. Temple, a summit I have written about before here.
Do a quick search by Mt. Temple for these posts. :)