Friday, September 21, 2012

"Moments Of Shared Emotion..."

David, at the friendly Adayak Blog recently posted a great Video that very much resonated with me and many of you as well. David described this video as an account of "The true emotions of a hiker as he takes his last steps towards Katahdin on the Appalachian Trail. 2000+ miles comes to a close...".
I wanted to pass this wonderful imagery forward even further, as we all have shared in such moments of emotion out there haven't we my Friends.
Remember, that so elusive mountain, the extremely challenging climbing, that route that never seemed to end, over rock that almost didn't reveal its secrets - remember those powerful feelings present as you finally stepped up upon that summit...
Remember, those so distant coastal islands, the wind and waves that never seemed to cease, the endless hours of necessary persistent paddling, where it seemed you had actually become part of your kayak - remember the joy, even relief, and simultaneous smiles and tears upon reaching that hidden cove...
Remember, that deepest darkest canyon you lowered yourself into, where one long rappell after another was needed, that very real anxiousness, those doubts all mixed in with the excitement - remember the amazement and the grins as you realized you have now embraced both your uncertainties and the adventurous unknowns all at once...
Remember, all our journeys upon the PCT, the AT, the WCT, and other timeless trails, with every sunrise and sunset, each storm that called so loudly, and the gentle rainbows that always settled in the quiet moments after - remember how every step still seems to echo in our minds even now...
There are countless such examples, so many stories of our shared adventures, where those amazing feelings & sensations of the moment, then become the enduring emotions of forever memories.
Thanks to David for his post and these wonderful reminders for all of us..... DSD 
By the way my Friends, have you looked closely at the symbolism on the clothing that David has on his site... Gaze for a moment into these, to see other special things about ourselves out in the wild places... Then Adayak gives back a portion of every purchase to preservation charities.

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