Sunday, November 16, 2014

"Just My Pack And I....."

Such very old friends we are,
Good companions for quite long.
We've shared so many wild experiences,
Within endless days well out there...
We've journeyed far and wide together,
Carrying things for each other.
Me toting these old packs,
Then them carrying me as well...
No one else about this day,
Nothing more needed for our hike.
Just our own company yet once again,
As we begin the trail and the pathways up...
I so enjoy these adventures which we share,
Such moments seem simpler and then more clear.
Nothing technical to be done this time,
Only the essentials will we both carry...
I am always very happy to see again,
These old cherished well worn partners.
Much like their siblings from the past,
Who have become special for me as well...
Such very old friends we are,
Great companions for so long.
One more lovely day out there,
For just my pack and I..... DSD  

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