Monday, June 12, 2017

"For So Many Reasons..."

There are so many adventure experiences that may be enjoyed by each of us, so very many terrific interests for being out there. So many motives for such efforts and for taking on these challenges, enduring the trials, pushing through the limitations. They are such personal, individual grounds for going we each hold to, yet on occasion, at very special times, we can move among the wild places for another reason.
Something else becomes the fire in our belly for being out there. Something very special transforms both our purpose and our very being. This evolves from a different kind of motivation, from a whole new level of intention; for why we do what we do in our chosen adventures. There is a unique energy within such reasons. There is also a special kind of commitment towards then fulfilling such an adventure objective. What has now influenced us to go, what then induces us to keep going, is seen to have a very different genesis. We have now chosen and committed to another kind of adventure - an adventure of cause, of purpose, one that we see as so deserving of support. Be it as a soloist, or within the symphonies of a group, we set out on a trail of inspiration, resolution, determination & dedication, that has its' own unique nature within it. We are adventuring for another reason, often for another person, who may not be able to wander the wild places as we might. While they may not be with us, they are causal, truly instrumental, as to why we are out there.
Their needs become our inspiration; their wants become our objective.
We have committed to paying a different price and our efforts, and our following through, are reward enough themselves. We are out there for anther purpose. Climbing, scrambling, hiking, paddling, trekking, biking, running; now for an ideal - for another very special reason.
What might those reasons be for you Dear Friends.......
***Please see all the wonderful sites linked to the right, for many amazing opportunities to 'Adventure For A Farther Reason'...***

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