Tuesday, July 27, 2010


There are so many high points out there, pieces and sections of meandering summits, less majestic peaks, that are not often visited - ones that on most maps are simply unnamed...
I am drawn to these summits. They seem to call to me...

It may be because that they are not the usual objectives. This may reflect my affinity with going out solo as many times as I head out with others. It could be that they are hidden high point treasures that just might never have had a tread set upon them. As I sit here on this Unnamed summit, and journal the initial scribblings for this post, the passages of clouds and light and dark flow over me and the mountains surrounding this unspectacular point. There is a blue within dark blue in the vista before me. It is this lighting that brings to mind again one of my favorite quotes by M. Clark, "The acid test of a true adventurer, if presented with certain anonymity, is whether each of us would still have made the journey beyond the last blue mountain".
As I muse further during the eternity of these moments, I think too how soon I shall also visit an unnamed small island on a distant ocean chart for another adventure... They too are such special common places...
When such ponderings raise their awareness in my mind I never believe it to be simple coincidence. It strikes me that in this quote I may discover yet another answer to why unnamed places and anonymous wanderings are of such interest and always hold such meanings...
They have no name, their unassuming, anonymous presence simply is. There are few pictures of such mountains ( or islands ), no summit register is present, nor even a cairn raised. Climbing and paddling to unnamed elementals like this can never be about ego, for other than the safety of telling where we are going and when we will return, no one even knows of each of our journeys. Why you are there is only between you and the mountain, you and the island, you and that wild place...
I do so love sharing a day with the Unnamed ones.....


Hiking Lady said...

Absolutely beautiful, DSD. Your writing style is so lucid and whenever I read your postings it takes me away from the computer to memories of wonderful adventures!

Unknown said...

Thank you very much Carol.
The musing itself does the very same for me...
I can lose myself in the memories and images too...
Then this leads to envisioning when and where and how next to wander...